OpenSolaris Enthusiast

My little SMF FAQ

Last Update: 09.02.2007 18:30 /bs
This is still work in progess!!!!


  1. My little SMF FAQ
    1. Contents
    2. Introduction
    3. Questions and Answers
      1. Commands
        1. Q: What commands are used to administrate services?
        2. Q: What daemons are used by SMF?
      2. Directories
        1. Q: What directories are used by SMF ?
      3. Files
        1. Q: What files are used by SMF ?
      4. Methods
        1. Q: What methods are supported by the restarter svc.startd?
        2. Q: What methods are supported by the restarter inetd?
        3. Q: Are there any functions for methods implemented as shell scripts?
        4. Q: What environment variables are defined by the restarters?
        5. Q: What are "Method tokens"?
        6. Q: What is the default PATH variable content for methods?
        7. Q: What environment is used for methods?
        8. Q: What keywords exist for methods?
        9. Q: What about calling svcadm for the same service from inside a SMF method for that service?
        10. Q: How does SMF handle (errornous) calling svcadm enable <FRMI> in the start method of the service <FRMI> (or svcadm disable in the stop method of the service)?
        11. Q: How about calling svcadm enable/disable for other services from inside a start/stop method?
        12. Q: What general restrictions regarding SMF commands apply to SMF methods?
        13. Q: How to check if a script is called from an SMF restarter?
        14. Q: How to read input from the console from a service?
        15. Q: If a method fails 3 times in a row the service is put into maintenance mode. Can this value be changed?
      5. Manifests
        1. Q: How to write my first manifest?
        2. Q: How to check a manifest for syntax errors?
      6. Repository
        1. Q: How to restore the SMF repository?
        2. Q: How to check the integrity of a repository?
        3. Q: Can I change the number of repository backups?
        4. Q: How to manually backup the repository?
        5. Q: Are there any undocumented parameter for svc.configd?
      7. Legacy Scripts
        1. Q: Are the legacy scripts executed by /bin/sh as before or does svc.startd honour the "#!" entry in the first line?
        2. Q: When are legacy scripts executed ?
        3. Q: Where are logs of the legacy scripts?
        4. Q: Can I add a dependency on a legacy script?
        5. Q: How long will legacy scripts be supported?
      8. Services
        1. Q: How to check if a service is running in a script?
        2. Q: How to disable a service?
        3. Q: How to enable a service?
        4. Q: How to temporary disable/enable a service?
        5. Q: How to list temporary enabled services?
        6. Q: How to enable/disable a service if the filesystem with the repository is mounted read-only?
        7. Q: How to enable/disable a service and wait until the service is started/stopped?
        8. Q: How to refresh a service?
        9. Q: How to delete a service?
        10. Q: How to get a list of all services?
        11. Q: How to list all defined services with the description?
        12. Q: How to tell if the process is being monitored and which PID it is watching?
        13. Q: How to wait until the status of a service changed?
        14. Q: How do I start a service or daemon at run level 2 using SMF?
      9. Service properties
        1. Q: How to view the properties of a service?
        2. Q: How to view one property of a service?
        3. Q: How to check if a property of a service is defined?
        4. Q: How to check which methods are implemented for a service?
        5. Q: How to list the start/stop scripts of a service?
        6. Q: How to list the logfile of a service?
        7. Q: How to change the terminal type of the console?
        8. Q: What properties are implemented for services managed by inetd?
        9. Q: Can I use svccfg to change properties in an SMF method?
        10. Q: Can I create temporary properties? (properties that are automatically deleted with a reboot)
        11. Q: Can I dynamically change the the timeout value inside a method and svc.startd uses the new value for the current method run?
        12. Q: How to add a new dependency for a service without changing the manifest?
      10. Service states
        1. Q: What service states are supported by inetd?
        2. Q: What is the service state "offline"?
        3. Q: What is the service state "degraded"?
      11. inetd managed services
        1. Q: How to list all services managed by inetd?
        2. Q: How to view the default values for inetd managed services?
        3. Q: How to list the properties of an inetd managed service?
        4. Q: How to check if the TCP wrapper is enabled for a service?
        5. Q: How to enable the TCP wrapper for a service?
        6. Q: How to disable the TCP wrapper for a service?
        7. Q: How to start a service managed by inetd?
        8. Q: How to stop a service managed by inetd?
        9. Q: Are inetd internal services still provided by inetd itself?
      12. Installation
        1. Q: Can I create a flash archive with an already populated SMF repository?
        2. Q: What would be the best way to change a system-provided manifest ?
        3. Q: Is there a way how to store private data in SMF configuration repository? For example a password readable only by root?
        4. Q: Is /etc/inetd.conf still used?
      13. Profiles
        1. Q: How to start writing new profiles?
        2. Q: How to apply a profile?
        3. Q: How to change the initial profile while installing?
      14. Milestones
        1. Q: What milestones exist and how do the compare to the old run-level?
        2. Q: What's the *functional* difference between milestone "multi-user-server" and "all"?
        3. Q: Can I create new milestones my self and use them like the builtin milestones?
        4. Q: How to exit the single user mode?
        5. Q: In which milestone am I?
        6. Q: How to print the default milestone
        7. Q: How to change the default milestone?
      15. Misc / Unsorted
        1. Q: What does the delete attribute mean in the /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1  ?
        2. Q: How to add SMF to a package?
        3. Q: Is there a GUI for managing services?
        4. Q: Where can I find an overview about SMF?
        5. Q:  What's the order of the output  of svcs -a?
      16. Error and trouble shooting
        1. Q: How to turn on verbose logging?
        2. Q: How to view the log file of a service?
        3. Q: What infos to use to check a failed service?
        4. Q: How to repair a failed service?
        5. Q: What does the error message below mean?
        6. Q: I see sometimes a temporary svc frmi with the format "svc:/TEMP<..> and wondering what's going on here ?
        7. Q: Where can I find trouble shooting hints in case SMF fails to start?
        8. Q: Hints for failed legacy scripts (rcS.d, rc2.d, and rc3.d)
        9. Q: The apache2 service does not start after a reboot but it starts succesfull if enabled with svcadm?
    4. Misc
    5. Links
      1. Discussions
      2. Services
      3. Scripts
      4. Man Pages
      5. Articles
      6. Blog Entries
    6. Credits
    7. Abbreviations
    8. History


This is not a real FAQ - only my collection of SMF related information collected from blogs, usenet entries, discussion, man pages, and my own experiences.

Please note that mostly all of the entries are copied via "cut and paste " from the source mentioned. So all credits go to the authors of the sources mentioned - not me.

I'll update this page everytime I find new information but still believe there should be a FAQ about SMF on one the pages from OpenSolaris.

If you find a bug or know information not mentioned here please let me know - either via email or through the little mail interface on this website.

If you are new to SMF you should read the Solaris Service Management Facility - Quickstart Guide before using this FAQ.

Frankfurt 22.05.2006     Bernd Schemmer

Update 07.06.2006:

The draft of another Q&A for SMF is here

Update 09.02.2007:

There is now als a SMF FAQ on

Questions and Answers


Q: What commands are used to administrate services?

A: The following commands are used to administrate services:

report service status

manipulate service instances

retrieve service configuration properties
import, export, and modify service configurations
observe or configure inetd-controlled services
convert inetd.conf entries into smf service manifests, import them into smf repository

A short overview of the commands is here:  Ganesh Hiregoudar: SMF commands and here: Solaris SMF Commands Memo (Sunsolve Doc ID 82049)

Q: What daemons are used by SMF?

A: The following daemons are used by SMF:

Service Management Facility master restarter
Service Management Facility repository daemon
Solaris Management Facility delegated restarter for inet services.
From the inetd man page:

Services are no longer managed by editing the inetd configuration file, inetd.conf(4). Instead, you use inetconv(1M) to convert the configuration file content into SMF format services, then manage these services using inetadm(1M) and svcadm(1M). Once a service has been converted by inetconv, any changes to the legacy data in the inetd config file will not become effective. However, inetd does alert the administrator when it notices change in the configuration file. See the start description under the "inetd Methods" section for further information.

Also note that the current inetd cannot be run from outside the SMF. This means it cannot be run from the command line, as was supported by the previous inetd. If you attempt to do this, a message is sent to stderr displaying mappings between the options supported by the previous inetd to the SMF version of inetd.


Q: What directories are used by SMF ?

A: The following table lists SMF related directories (the list may be incomplete!):

configuration files

log files of the service methods that run before /var is mounted read/write
this directory is mounted on a ram disk
binaries used by SMF
These binaries should not be called manually!
Reserved for future work:
Capture methods were for configuration migration; I'm still not certain this approach is viable, since the conditions restricting when the capture method should be allowed to run are unclear. 

Source:  SMF discussion @

method scripts for SMF

Reserved for future work:

The monitor directory is for monitor method commands, when smf(5) gets a full service monitor spec.  Monitors and transitions, which I think have been mentioned on the alias before, are closely related.

Source:  SMF discussion @

initial SMF repositories

include scripts for methods implemented as scripts

log files of the service methods that run after /var is mounted read/write

directories with the manifests
Do NOT change manifests supplied by Sun.
directory for site specific manifests

directory with profiles


Q: What files are used by SMF ?

A: The following table lists SMF related files (the list may be incomplete!):

SMF repository and backups of the repository

/etc/svc/repository.db persistent SMF repository
source: Liane's Blog
/etc/svc/volatile/svc_nonpersist.db non-persistent SMF repository that contains service execution information, such as process IDs, contract IDs, and stae transition times. source: Liane's Blog
initial SMF repository for the global zone

initial SMF repository for non-global zones

/lib/svc/share/ include file for methods implemented as shell script

Service description DTD

/var/svc/profile/upgrade Used for upgrades; this is an undocumented feature, see this thread
This file is shell script sourced in by /lib/svc/method/manifest-import.

start script for the legacy scripts in the milestone single-user
do not call manually
start script for the legacy scripts in the milestone multi-user
do not call manually
Start script for the legacy scripts in the milestone multi-user-server
do not call manually


Q: What methods are supported by the restarter svc.startd?

A: The restarter svc.startd supports the methods

refresh the configuration of a service
Do NOT kill the process in a refresh method!
The default refresh service for a service if not explicitly configured is :true!
start the service
use :true if your service has no start method
stop the service
use :true if your service has no stop method; use :kill to kill all processes in the service contract

Q: What methods are supported by the restarter inetd?

A: The restarter inetd supports the methods

refresh the configuration of a service

start the service

stop the service

Q: Are there any functions for methods implemented as shell scripts?

A: Yes, you can source in the file /lib/svc/share/ in your shell script

/lib/svc/share/ defines the following functions:

what it does
returns 0 if SMF is present or a value not equal zero if SMF is not present
the function does not check if the script is called from the restarter
clears the environment variables set by
call this function to clear the environment before calling a daemon
Use as "echo message 2>&1 | smf_console".  If SMF_MSGLOG_REDIRECT is unset, message will be displayed to console.  SMF_MSGLOG_REDIRECT is
reserved for future use.     
Sets _INIT_NET_IF to the name for the network-booted interface if we are booting from the network.  _INIT_NET_STRATEGY assigned the value of the current network configuration strategy. Valid values for _INIT_NET_STRATEGY are "none", "dhcp", and "rarp"
The network boot strategy for a zone is always "none".           

To be called from stop methods of non-transient services. Sends SIGNAL to the service contract CONTRACT.  If the WAIT argument is non-zero, smf_kill_contract will wait until the contract is empty before returning, or until TIMEOUT expires.                                                           

/lib/svc/share/ defines the following return codes for method scripts:


95 failed, administrative action required

SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG 96 unrecoverable configuration error (e.g. a config file is missing)

service is in degraded mode
Note: not supported yet
98 service is non-responsive and offline

99 method called outside of SMF

100 permission for the method missing

see also the smf_method man page

Q: What environment variables are defined by the restarters?

A: The restarter svc.stard and inetd define the following environment variables:

environment variable
The service fault management resource  identifier  (FMRI) of the instance for which the method is invoked.

The full method name of the method that is invoked

The service FMRI of the restarter that invokes the method

see also the smf_method man page

Q: What are "Method tokens"?

A: Method tokens are placeholder for service values. These placeholders are replaced with their values by the svc.startd daemon. They can only be used as parameter for method calls (start, stop, or refresh)


#   (bash):root@ferrari:/var/develop/script_templates # svcprop mysql | grep "start/exec"
#   start/exec astring /etc/my_smf_scripts/mysql.server\ start\ \"%r\ +\ \ %m\ +\ %s\ +\ %i\ +\ %f\ %{start/user}\ +\ %{start/group}\"\

SMF discussion @

The restarter svc.startd supports the following method tokens:

Name of the restarter, such as svc.startd

Name of the method, such as start or stop

Name of the service

Name of the instance

FMRI of the instance

Value(s) of a property. The prop might be a property FMRI, a property group name and a property name separated by a /, or a property name in the application property group. These values can be followed by a, (comma) or : (colon). If present, the separators are used to separate multiple e.g. %{start/user}
Note that the method tokens are not supported by the delegated restarter inetd.

see also the smf_method man page

Q: What is the default PATH variable content for methods?

A: svc.startd sets the PATH to /usr/sbin:/usr/bin before invoking a method.

Q: What environment is used for methods?

A: By default, all enviroment variables, except the PATH variable and the environment variables SMF_FMRI, SMF_METHOD, and SMF_RESTARTER,  supplied to the methods are those that svc.startd inherited from init.d

Q: What keywords exist for methods?

A: As of time of this writing the following method keywords exist (I would call them abbreviations)

:kill [-signal]
Kill all processes in the contract of this service
used for example in stop methods
returns 0
used in stop / start methods if you don't need to do any action there

Q: What about calling svcadm for the same service from inside a SMF method for that service?

     e.g. It might be useful to disable a service in the start method of  a service depending on configuration changes

A: SMF doesn't care. The things you have to watch out for are using a synchronous invocation (svcadm enable/disable -s), which could lead to a deadlock (though I suppose that would eventually be resolved by timing out the method and killing everything) and that it may take svc.startd a while to implement a normal svcadm enable/disable request. That's why the NFS services which temporarily disable themselves use sleep.

Otherwise, svc.startd might restart them until the disable takes effect.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: How does SMF handle (errornous) calling svcadm enable <FRMI> in the start method of the service <FRMI> (or svcadm disable in the stop method of the service)?

A: No effect. svcadm enable/disable just sets a property on the service, for which svc.configd will notify svc.startd, which will notice that
nothing has changed.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: How about calling svcadm enable/disable for other services from inside a start/stop method?

A: That should work but if you ever need to use -s, make sure the dependencies won't cause a deadlock.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: What general restrictions regarding SMF commands apply to SMF methods?

A: svc.startd doesn't interfere with anything your method may do. It's just a matter of when the commands will take effect.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: How to check if a script is called from an SMF restarter?

A: Check if the environment variable SMF_FMRI is set or not. If you were paranoid, you could check that all of SMF_FMRI, SMF_METHOD, and SMF_RESTARTER were set, and set to self-consistent values.

Note that the function smf_present from /lib/svc/share/  only checks if SMF is running at all!

see Sample for a hybrid script that can be used as method and also called manually by the user for an example.

Source: SMF dicussion @

Q: How to read input from the console from a service?

A: It is discouraged, but entirely possible. :) We put in the warning to discourage software ISVs from putting in services which stop boot to expect configuration of their software. That's hostile to other software running on the system, and is a nasty surprise to people who didn't configure their systems explicitly to do so. We didn't take away the explicit choice from folks who want to deploy their systems that way.

You'd essentially need to create an SMF service which redirects its input and output from the console, and make sure it doesn't conflict with any Solaris services which expect input from the console.

That is, you need to make sure the customer's service isn't running at the same time as the sysid services, kdmconfig service (on x86), boot-archive service, console-login service, or dtlogin/gdm2 services. Where it would need to go depends on your customer's requirements for how early the boot process needs to be stopped (before network services? before filesystem mounts?).

Let us know if we can help with the manifest. You can see the sysid services as an example. Essentially, they just do this in the methods (i.e. in /lib/svc/method/sysidtool-system):

/usr/sbin/sysidsys > /dev/console < /dev/console 2>&1

Source: SMF discussion

Q: If a method fails 3 times in a row the service is put into maintenance mode. Can this value be changed?

A: No, not currently

Source: SMF discussion


Q: How to write my first manifest?

A: The best method is to copy the manifest for an existing service and change it to your need.

You can use

To create a manifest for an inetd based service there's another easy way:

Create a temporary file (e.g. /tmp/my_new_service) and add the entry for your  daemon to a that file using the syntax used in /etc/inetd.conf.  After that run

mkdir /tmp/inetd_services
inetconv -i /tmp/my_new_service -n -o /tmp/inetd_services

In /tmp/inetd_services you will then find a manifest for your new services in /etc/inet.conf. Edit it if necessary and use svccfg import to import it.

After importing the manifest you should move it to /var/svc/manifest/site so that it get imported again if the repository hast to rebuild.

The temporary file and the temporary directory are not used anymore and can be removed.

Q: How to check a manifest for syntax errors?

A: Use xmllint to check the syntax of manifests:

$ xmllint --valid /tmp/gdm2-login.xml
/tmp/gdm2-login.xml:26: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: french_fry line 26 and french_fries
<french_fry>I,m a bad element.</french_fries>


Q: How to restore the SMF repository?

A: Use


to restore a backup of the repository

see for more information on restore_repository.

Q: How to check the integrity of a repository?

A: Use:


if [ $( echo PRAGMA integrity_check \; | /lib/svc/bin/sqlite ${REPOSITORY} ) = "^ok$" ] ; then
  echo "The repository is okay"
  echo "Looks like the repository is not okay"

Source: /lib/svc/bin/restore_repository

Q: Can I change the number of repository backups?

A: No, the number of backups is hardcoded to 4.

Source: SMF discussion @

There's a work around in Bug Database entry:
Use mdb on svc.configd to change the variable max_repository_backups from the default (4) to the desired value:

# mdb -w /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
Loading modules: [ svc.configd ]
> max_repository_backups?W 8
svc.configd`max_repository_backups: 0x4 = 0x8
> $q

Q: How to manually backup the repository?

A: There's no supported method to do this right now but there's an RFE to add this feature.

In the meantime you can do a pstop on svc.configd and the copy the file  /etc/svc/respository.db.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: Are there any undocumented parameter for svc.configd?

A: It looks like there are; see this blog entry

Legacy Scripts

Q: Are the legacy scripts executed by /bin/sh as before or does svc.startd honour the "#!" entry in the first line?

A: The latter. If the script's name does not end with .sh, then /etc/rc? launches it with a plain lsvcrun invocation (no -s), which exec()s "/bin/sh -c <script>", which I believe should respect the interpreter of the script.

Source: SMF discussion @

see also the milestone start scripts (/usr/sbin/rc*)

Q: When are legacy scripts executed ?

A: From the smf man page:

Q: Where are logs of the legacy scripts?

A: The legacy script log to the logfile of the milestone that executes the scripts.

That are

Scripts in the directory /etc/rcS.d log to the logfile of the milestone single-user:


Scripts in the directory /etc/rc2.d log to the logfile of the milestone multi-user:


Scripts in the directory /etc/rc3.d/ log to the logfile of the milestone multi-user-server:


Q: Can I add a dependency on a legacy script?

A: No, you can't add dependencies on legacy scripts. But you can add dependency on the milestone that executes the legacy script. The same is true for dependents.

See also: SMF discussion @

Q: How long will legacy scripts be supported?

A: Those are Stable interfaces, so, per the documentation in attributes(5), they would need to remain until the next Major release of Solaris ("6.0" -- unlikely ever to happen), and even then an incompatibility would need exceptional justification.

In other words, I think the answer has to be "forever."

Source: SMF discussion @


Q: How to check if a service is running in a script?

A: Use svcs with the -H and -o switch


SERVICE_STATE=$"( svcs -H -o state apache2 )"

Q: How to disable a service?

A: Use svcadm disable


svcadm disable apache2

Notes: This is an asynchronous call.

You should check the dependents of the service before disabling it (because these services will also be disabled), e.g

(bash):root@ferrari:/root # svcs -D network/physical
STATE          STIME    FMRI
disabled       12:41:55 svc:/network/iscsi_initiator:default
disabled       12:41:56 svc:/network/cswopenldap:default
online         12:41:58 svc:/system/identity:node
online         12:42:01 svc:/application/print/cleanup:default
online         12:42:52 svc:/network/rpc/cde-calendar-manager:udp
online         12:42:52 svc:/network/rpc/cde-ttdbserver:tcp
online         12:42:52 svc:/network/cde-spc:default
online         12:43:01 svc:/network/ssh:default
online         12:43:02 svc:/filesystem/share_cdrom_images:default
online         12:53:26 svc:/network/ipfilter:default
online         12:53:26 svc:/milestone/network:default
online         12:53:27 svc:/system/identity:domain

You should also check the processes that are in the contract of the service because these services will also be stopped. This is especially important if you want to disable one of the login services like telnet or ssh ...


svcs -p <FRMI>

to retrieve the list of processes in the contract

Q: How to enable a service?

A: Use svcadm enable


svcadm enable apache2

Note : This is an asynchronous call.

Q: How to temporary disable/enable a service?

A: Use the -t flag of svcadm


svcadm enable -t apache2
svcadm disable -t apache2

Changes made with the -t flag are only valid until the next reboot. Without the -t flag the changes are persistent.

Note : This is an asynchronous call.

Q: How to list temporary enabled services?

You can use svcprop(1) for that:


    # svcadm disable -t svc:/system/cron:default
    # svcprop -p general_ovr/enabled svc:/system/cron:default 2>/dev/null
    # svcadm enable -t svc:/system/cron:default
    # svcprop -p general_ovr/enabled svc:/system/cron:default 2>/dev/null
    # svcadm enable svc:/system/cron:default
    # svcprop -p general_ovr/enabled svc:/system/cron:default 2>/dev/null

svcprop returns 'false' if the service is temporary disabled and
'true' if the service is temporary enabled; otherwise it returns nothing.


svcprop -p general_ovr/enabled \* 2>/dev/null

to list all temporary enabled or temporary disabled services.

Q: How to enable/disable a service if the filesystem with the repository is mounted read-only?

A: Use the -t flag of svcadm

Q: How to enable/disable a service and wait until the service is started/stopped?

A: Use the -s flag of svcadm


svcadm enable -s apache2
svcadm disable -s apache2

Note that svcadm normally starts and stops the services asynchronously.

Q: How to refresh a service?

A: Use svcadm refresh, e.g.

svcadm refresh svc:/system/cron:default


Not every service has a refresh method!
Therefor check the logfile after doing the refresh:

cat /var/svc/log/system-cron:default.log
[ Feb 24 10:49:06 Disabled. ]
[ Feb 24 10:49:07 Rereading configuration. ]
[ Feb 24 10:50:15 Enabled. ]
[ Feb 24 10:50:25 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-cron") ]
[ Feb 24 10:50:25 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
[ May 15 12:05:18 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-cron") ]
[ May 15 12:05:18 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
[ May 15 12:12:34 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-cron") ]
[ May 15 12:12:34 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
[ May 15 12:16:49 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/svc-cron") ]
[ May 15 12:16:49 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
[ May 22 11:22:51 Rereading configuration. ]
[ May 22 11:22:51 No 'refresh' method defined.  Treating as :true. ]

This service has NO refresh method defined; therefor a refresh will do nothing. In this case you need to disable and enable the service to force a reread of the configuration files if there are no application specific methods to force the application to reread the configuration file(s).

Q: How to delete a service?

A: Disable the service using svcadm and then delete the service using svccfg. After this you should remove the manifest from the directory /var/svc/manifests/<...>  (if any exists) to avoid reenabling the service in case of a repository recovery.


svcadm disable -s svc:/network/swat/tcp:default
svccfg delete svc:/network/swat/tcp:default
[ -f
/var/svc/manifest/site/swat.xml ] && rm /var/svc/manifest/site/swat.xml

Q: How to get a list of all services?

A: Use svcs, e.g

# list all running services (including the services ready to run but not yet running)

# list all configured services
scvs -a

# list all services with problems
svcs -x

Q: How to list all defined services with the description?

A: Use svcs , e.g.

svcs -a -o fmri,desc
FMRI                                               DESC
lrc:/etc/rcS_d/S50sk98sol                          -
lrc:/etc/rcS_d/S51installupdates                   -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S02sloggi                           -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S10lu                               -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S20sysetup                          -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S40llc2                             -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S42ncakmod                          -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S47pppd                             -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S70uucp                             -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S72autoinstall                      -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S73cachefs_daemon                   -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S76ACT_dumpscript                   -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S78cswfconfig                       -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S81dodatadm_udaplt                  -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S89PRESERVE                         -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S90wbem                             -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S94ncalogd                          -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S98deallocate                       -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S16boot_server                      -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S50apache                           -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S52imq                              -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S75seaport                          -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S76snmpdx                           -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S77dmi                              -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S80mipagent                         -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S82initsma                          -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S84appserv                          -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S96init_cssd                        -
lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S99cswrxstack                       -
svc:/network/iscsi_initiator:default               -
svc:/system/metainit:default                       SVM initialization
svc:/network/nfs/cbd:default                       NFS callback service
svc:/network/rpc/nisplus:default                   NIS+
svc:/network/rpc/keyserv:default                   RPC encryption key storage
svc:/network/nis/server:default                    NIS (YP) server
svc:/network/ldap/client:default                   LDAP client
svc:/network/nis/client:default                    NIS (YP) client
svc:/network/inetd-upgrade:default                 inetd-upgrade
svc:/application/print/server:default              LP print server
svc:/network/smtp:sendmail                         sendmail SMTP mail transfer agent
svc:/network/ntp:default                           Network Time Protocol (NTP)
svc:/system/auditd:default                         Solaris audit daemon
svc:/system/mdmonitor:default                      SVM monitor
svc:/system/rcap:default                           resource capping daemon
svc:/network/cswopenldap:default                   OpenLDAP community developed LDAP software
svc:/network/rpc/bootparams:default                boot parameter server
svc:/network/rarp:default                          Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) server
svc:/network/dhcp-server:default                   DHCP server
svc:/application/gdm2-login:default                GNOME Display Manager
svc:/network/dns/server:default                    -
svc:/network/security/kadmin:default               Kerberos administration daemon
svc:/network/security/krb5kdc:default              Kerberos key distribution center
svc:/network/security/krb5_prop:default            Kerberos propagation daemon for slave KDCs
svc:/network/slp:default                           Service Location Protocol (SLP)
svc:/network/apocd/udp:default                     Configuration Agent
svc:/network/nis/passwd:default                    NIS (YP) password daemon
svc:/network/nis/update:default                    NIS (YP) update daemon
svc:/network/nis/xfr:default                       NIS (YP) transfer daemon
svc:/system/consadm:default                        console monitoring
svc:/system/sar:default                            system activity reporting package
svc:/system/basicreg:default                       -
svc:/system/pools:default                          resource pools framework
svc:/system/pools/dynamic:default                  dynamic resource pools
svc:/application/management/common-agent-container-1:default Cacao, a common Java container for JDMK/JMX based management solution
svc:/network/rpc/ocfserv:default                   OpenCard Framework (OCF) communications
svc:/network/rpc/rex:default                       remote execution server
svc:/network/rpc/spray:default                     RPC spray
svc:/network/rpc/wall:default                      network rwall server
svc:/network/tname:default                         trivial name server
svc:/network/uucp:default                          UUCP server
svc:/network/chargen:dgram                         character generator
svc:/network/chargen:stream                        character generator
svc:/network/daytime:dgram                         daytime
svc:/network/daytime:stream                        daytime
svc:/network/discard:dgram                         discard
svc:/network/discard:stream                        discard
svc:/network/echo:dgram                            echo
svc:/network/echo:stream                           echo
svc:/network/time:dgram                            time
svc:/network/time:stream                           time
svc:/network/comsat:default                        comsat
svc:/network/login:eklogin                         remote login
svc:/network/login:klogin                          remote login
svc:/network/rexec:default                         rexec
svc:/network/shell:kshell                          rsh
svc:/network/talk:default                          talk
svc:/system/svc/restarter:default                  master restarter
svc:/milestone/name-services:default               name services milestone
svc:/network/loopback:default                      loopback network interface
svc:/system/filesystem/root:default                root file system mount
svc:/network/pfil:default                          packet filter
svc:/system/scheduler:default                      default scheduling class configuration
svc:/network/physical:default                      physical network interfaces
svc:/system/identity:node                          system identity (nodename)
svc:/system/boot-archive:default                   check boot archive content
svc:/system/filesystem/usr:default                 read/write root file systems mounts
svc:/site/batstat:default                          Batstat initialization settings.
svc:/site/powernow:default                         Control AMD power states depending on CPU use.
svc:/platform/i86pc/eeprom:default                 EEPROM emulation
svc:/system/keymap:default                         keyboard defaults
svc:/system/device/local:default                   Standard Solaris device configuration.
svc:/milestone/network:default                     Network milestone
svc:/system/filesystem/minimal:default             minimal file system mounts
svc:/system/rmtmpfiles:default                     remove temporary files
svc:/system/coreadm:default                        system-wide core file configuration
svc:/system/sysevent:default                       system event notification
svc:/system/picl:default                           platform information and control
svc:/system/power:default                          power management
svc:/system/device/fc-fabric:default               Solaris FC fabric device configuration.
svc:/milestone/devices:default                     device configuration milestone
svc:/application/print/cleanup:default             print cleanup
svc:/system/cryptosvc:default                      cryptographic services
svc:/system/manifest-import:default                service manifest import
svc:/network/initial:default                       initial network services
svc:/network/service:default                       layered network services
svc:/milestone/single-user:default                 single-user milestone
svc:/site/acerkb:default                           Acer Keyboard hacks.
svc:/system/filesystem/local:default               local file system mounts
svc:/system/sysidtool:net                          sysidtool
svc:/system/cron:default                           clock daemon (cron)
svc:/application/opengl/ogl-select:default         OpenGL runtime select
svc:/network/rpc/bind:default                      RPC bindings
svc:/system/sysidtool:system                       sysidtool
svc:/application/servers/tomcat:default            Tomcat
svc:/network/nfs/status:default                    NFS status monitor
svc:/network/nfs/nlockmgr:default                  NFS lock manager
svc:/network/rsync:default                         RSYNC daemon
svc:/application/management/webmin:default         Webmin, a httpd based system administration tool.
svc:/application/font/fc-cache:default             FontConfig Cache Builder
svc:/network/ipfilter:default                      IP Filter
svc:/network/dns/client:default                    DNS resolver
svc:/system/identity:domain                        system identity (domainname)
svc:/system/name-service-cache:default             name service cache
svc:/network/inetmenu:default                      Display configuration
svc:/platform/i86pc/kdmconfig:default              Display configuration
svc:/milestone/sysconfig:default                   Basic system configuration milestone
svc:/system/sac:default                            SAF service access controller
svc:/network/inetd:default                         inetd
svc:/system/utmp:default                           utmpx monitoring
svc:/system/console-login:default                  Console login
svc:/network/rpc/gss:default                       Generic Security Service
svc:/network/rpc/meta:default                      SVM remote metaset services
svc:/network/rpc/smserver:default                  removable media management
svc:/application/x11/xfs:default                   X Window System font server
svc:/application/font/stfsloader:default           Standard Type Services Framework (STSF) Font Server loader
svc:/network/rpc/cde-calendar-manager:udp          CDE calendar manager server
svc:/network/rpc/cde-ttdbserver:tcp                ToolTalk database server
svc:/network/rpc/mdcomm:default                    SVM multi-node communications
svc:/network/rpc/metamed:default                   SVM remote mediator services
svc:/network/rpc/metamh:default                    SVM remote multihost disk services
svc:/network/rpc/rstat:default                     kernel statistics server
svc:/network/rpc/rusers:default                    network user name service
svc:/network/cde-spc:default                       CDE subprocess control
svc:/network/security/ktkt_warn:default            Kerberos V5 warning messages daemon
svc:/network/swat:default                          swat
svc:/network/nfs/rquota:default                    remote quota server
svc:/network/telnet:default                        Telnet server
svc:/network/ftp:default                           FTP server
svc:/network/finger:default                        finger
svc:/network/login:rlogin                          remote login
svc:/network/shell:default                         rsh
svc:/network/rpc-100235_1/rpc_ticotsord:default    100235
svc:/system/filesystem/volfs:default               Volume Management filesystem
svc:/network/nfs/mapid:default                     NFS ID mapper
svc:/network/nfs/client:default                    NFS client
svc:/system/filesystem/autofs:default              automounter
svc:/network/nfs/server:default                    NFS server
svc:/system/system-log:default                     system log
svc:/system/dumpadm:default                        system crash dump configuration
svc:/network/ssh:default                           SSH server
svc:/system/fmd:default                            Solaris Fault Manager
svc:/milestone/multi-user:default                  multi-user milestone
svc:/system/intrd:default                          interrupt balancer
svc:/application/ntop:default                      ntop Network sniffer
svc:/application/mysql:default                     Mysql database server
svc:/network/manserver:default                     manserver - http server for man 2 html conversion
svc:/application/cde-printinfo:default             CDE Print Viewer
svc:/application/postgresql:default                Postgres SQL database server
svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login:default CDE login
svc:/application/print/cupsserver:default          cups print server
svc:/network/http:apache2                          Apache 2 HTTP server
svc:/network/samba:default                         SAMBA Server
svc:/system/webconsole:console                     java web console
svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default           multi-user plus exports milestone
svc:/system/zones:default                          Zones autoboot
svc:/application/print/ipp-listener:default        Internet Print Protocol Listening Service
svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default             BSD print protocol adapter

Q: How to tell if the process is being monitored and which PID it is watching?

A: Use svcs -p, e.g.

svcs -p apache2

STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         18:35:38 svc:/network/http:apache2
               18:35:38     1134 httpd
               18:35:50     1250 httpd
               18:35:50     1252 httpd
               18:35:50     1254 httpd
               18:35:50     1256 httpd
               18:35:50     1258 httpd

Q: How to wait until the status of a service changed?

A: Use svcprop -w, example (from the svcprop manpage):

This example waits for the sendmail instance to change state.

svcprop -w -p restarter/state sendmail

Q: How do I start a service or daemon at run level 2 using SMF?

A: If you're taking a service out of rc2.d, then you need to have a dependency on milestone/single-user, and you need to declare
milestone/multi-user as a dependent (not a dependency). This will ensure that you start after the rcS.d scripts, before any rc2.d scripts
which may depend on you (though before any rc2.d scripts which you may depend on, so you can only do this if your rc2.d dependencies have also been adapted to SMF), and that you will run if the user executes 'init 2' or 'svcadm milestone multi-user'.


<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/single-user' />

restart_on='none' >
<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/multi-user' />

Source: SMF discussion @

Service properties

Q: How to view the properties of a service?

A: Use svcprop


svcprop apache2

Q: How to view one property of a service?

A: Use svcprop


svcprop -p "stop/exec" apache2

Q: How to check if a property of a service is defined?

A: Use svcprop


svcprop -q  -p stop/exec ipfilter
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo "Propery is defined"
  echo "Property is not defined"

Q: How to check which methods are implemented for a service?

A: Use svcprop, e.g.

svcprop sendmail | grep exec
start/exec astring /lib/svc/method/smtp-sendmail\ start
stop/exec astring /lib/svc/method/smtp-sendmail\ stop\ %{restarter/contract}
refresh/exec astring /lib/svc/method/smtp-sendmail\ refresh

Q: How to list the start/stop scripts of a service?

Use svcprop to read the properties "start/exec" and "stop/exec"


svcprop -p "start/exec" apache2

svcprop -p "stop/exec" apache2

Q: How to list the logfile of a service?

A: Use svcprop to read the propertie "restarter/logfile"


svcprop -p "restarter/logfile" apache2

Sample Script to view the logfile of a service

if [ "$1"x = ""x -o "$1"x = "-h"x ] ; then
  echo "Usage: $( basename $0 ) FMRI [...]"
  exit 2

while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do
  LOGFILE="$( svcprop -p restarter/logfile $1)"
  echo "
  echo "Reading the logfile of the service \"$1\" ..."

  if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${LOGFILE}"x != ""x ] ; then
    view "${LOGFILE}"
    echo "ERROR: Can not find a logfile for the service \"$1\" "
    [ $# -eq 1 ] && return
    echo "Press return to continue ..."
    read dummy

Another script posted first on the SMF Discussion list can be downloaded here: [09.05.06])

Q: How to change the terminal type of the console?

A:  Use

 svccfg -s system/console-login 'setprop ttymon/terminal_type = sun'

To view the current settings use

svcprop -p ttymon/terminal_type system/console-login

To see all of the ttymon family of properties, issue:

 svcprop -p ttymon system/console-login
ttymon/device astring /dev/console
ttymon/label astring console
ttymon/modules astring ldterm,ttcompat
ttymon/nohangup boolean true
ttymon/prompt astring \`uname\ -n\`\ console\ login:
ttymon/timeout count 0
ttymon/terminal_type astring sun

Q: What properties are implemented for services managed by inetd?

A: From the inetd man page:

 The properties comprising the basic configuration for inetd managed services are as follows:

The time interval in seconds between a failed bind attempt and a retry. The values 0 and -1 specify that no retries are attempted and the first failure is handled the same as exceeding bind_fail_max. default: -1
bind_fail_max The maximum number of times inetd retries binding to a service's associated port before giving up. The value -1 specifies that no retry limit is imposed. If none of the service's protocols were bound to before any imposed limit is reached, the service goes to the maintenance state; otherwise, if not all of the protocols were bound to, the service goes to the degraded state. default: -1
con_rate_offline The time in seconds a service will remain offline if it exceeds its configured maximum connection rate, max_con_rate. The values 0 and -1 specify that connection rate limiting is disabled. default: -1
endpoint_type The type of the socket used by the service or the value tli to signify a TLI-based service. Valid socket type values are: stream, dgram, raw, seqpacket.
failrate_cnt The count portion of the service's failure rate limit. The failure rate limit applies to wait-type services and is reached when count instances of the service are started within a given time. Exceeding the rate results in the service being transitioned to the maintenance state. This is different from the behavior of the previous inetd, which continued to retry every 10 minutes, indefinitely. The failrate_cnt check accounts for badly behaving servers that fail before consuming the service request and which would otherwise be continually restarted, taxing system resources. Failure rate is equivalent to the -r option of the previous inetd. The values 0 and -1 specify that this feature is disabled. default: 40 (?)
failrate_interval The time portion in seconds of the service's failure rate. The values 0 and -1 specify that the failure rate limit feature is disabled. default: 60 (?)
inherit_env If true, pass inetd's environment on to the service's start method. Regardless of this setting, inetd will set the variables SMF_FMRI, SMF_METHOD, and SMF_RESTARTER in the start method's environment, as well as any environment variables set in the method context. These variables are described in smf_method(5).
isrpc If true, this is an RPC service.
max_con_rate The maximum allowed connection rate, in connections per second, for a nowait-type service. The values 0 and -1 specify that that connection rate limiting is disabled. default: -1
max_copies The maximum number of copies of a nowait service that can run concurrently. The values 0 and -1 specify that copies limiting is disabled. default: -1

Can be set to one of the following values:

In the case of socket-based services, this is a list of protocols supported by the service. Valid protocols are: tcp, tcp6, tcp6only, udp, udp6, and udp6only. In the case of TLI services, this is a list of netids recognized by getnetconfigent(3NSL) supported by the service, plus the values tcp6only and udp6only. RPC/TLI services also support nettypes in this list, and inetd first tries to interpret the list member as a nettype for these service types. The values tcp6only and udp6only are new to inetd; these values request that inetd listen only for and pass on true IPv6 requests (not IPv4 mapped ones).
rpc_low_version Lowest supported RPC version. Required when isrpc is set to true.
rpc_high_version Highest supported RPC version. Required when isrpc is set to true.

If true, and this is a nowait-type service, inetd logs the client's IP address and TCP port number, along with the name of the service, for each incoming connection, using the syslog(3C) facility. inetd uses the syslog facility code daemon and notice priority level. See syslog.conf(4) for a description of syslog codes and severity levels. This logging is separate from the logging done by the TCP wrappers facility.

tcp_trace is equivalent to the previous inetd's -t option (and the /etc/default/inetd property ENABLE_CONNECTION_LOGGING).     

default: false

If true, enable TCP wrappers access control. This applies only to services with endpoint_type set to streams and wait set to false. The syslog facility code daemon is used to log allowed connections (using the notice severity level) and denied traffic (using the warning severity level). See syslog.conf(4) for a description of syslog codes and severity levels. The stability level of the TCP wrappers facility and its configuration files is External. As the TCP wrappers facility is not controlled by Sun, intra-release incompatibilities are not uncommon. See attributes(5).

For more information about configuring TCP wrappers, you can refer to the tcpd(1M) and hosts_access(4) man pages, which are delivered as part of the Solaris operating system at /usr/sfw/man. These pages are not part of the standard Solaris man pages, available at /usr/man.

tcp_wrappers is equivalent to the previous inetd's /etc/default/inetd property ENABLE_TCPWRAPPERS
default: false


If true this is a wait-type service, otherwise it is a nowait-type service. A wait-type service has the following characteristics:

  • Its inetd_start method will take over listening duties on the service's bound endpoint when it is executed.

  • inetd will wait for it to exit after it is executed before it resumes listening duties.

Datagram servers must be configured as being of type wait, as they are always invoked with the original datagram endpoint that will participate in delivering the service bound to the specified service. They do not have separate "listening" and "accepting" sockets. Connection-oriented services, such as TCP stream services can be designed to be either of type wait or nowait.

Q: Can I use svccfg to change properties in an SMF method?

A: Yes. svcadm refresh would be required to get the changes into the running snapshot (which is required to get no-option svcprop to report them). svcadm refresh is an asynchronous request to svc.startd, and I don't think you can count on it finishing while your method is running.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: Can I create temporary properties? (properties that are automatically deleted with a reboot)

A: You can both modify existing non-persistent property groups or create your own, as long as you have sufficient privilege. Modifying system property groups, of course, is asking for trouble.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: Can I dynamically change the the timeout value inside a method and svc.startd uses the new value for the current method run?

A: svc.startd reads timeouts just before the method is executed, so no, you can't change it in-flight. Since it reads them from the running snapshot, a change would become effective on the next svcadm refresh.

Source: SMF discussion @

Q: How to add a new dependency for a service without changing the manifest?

A: Use  svccfg, example:


# name of the new property

# FRMI of the service for which we want to add a new dependecy

# FRMI of the service that our service should be dependent on

# first check if the dependency is already configured
  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "The dependency is already configurd - nothing to do here"
    echo "Configuring dependency ..."

# create a temporary input file for svccfg

    cat <<EOT >"${TMPFILE}"
setprop ${IPFILTER_INETMENU_DEPENDENCY}/grouping = astring: "optional_all"
setprop ${IPFILTER_INETMENU_DEPENDENCY}/restart_on = astring: "none"
setprop ${IPFILTER_INETMENU_DEPENDENCY}/type = astring: "service"
setprop ${IPFILTER_INETMENU_DEPENDENCY}/entities = fmri: "${SERVICE_NAME}"

# add the dependency
    svccfg -f "${TMPFILE}"
# refresh the service to make the dependency active
    svcadm refresh "${IPFILTER_FRMI}"

# remove the temporary file
    rm "${TMPFILE}"


Note that AFAIK the only reliable method to check for dependency cycles is to use svcadm refresh <service> or reboot. Both actions will put the service into maintenance mode if a dependency cycle is detected.

PS: The example code fraqment above will create a dependency cycle!

Service states

Q: What service states are supported by inetd?

A: From the inetd man page :

Services managed by inetd can be in the states

uninitialized, online, degraded, offline, disabled, and maintenance.

Q: What is the service state "offline"?

A: A service is in the state "offline" if it is enabled and ready to run but one or more dependencies are not yet fullfilled.


svcs -d <fmri>

to view the dependencies of a service

Please note that a service is also in the state "offline" if the start or stop method is running. Therefor you should check the reason for the state, e.g.
svcs -x svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default (multi-user plus exports milestone)
State: offline since Wed May 24 12:13:19 2006
Reason: Start method is running.
See: init(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/milestone-multi-user-server:default.log
Impact: 1 dependent service is not running. (Use -v for list.)

Q: What is the service state "degraded"?

A: In the current implementation, this state cannot occur. Future work to integrate smf(5) with the fault management features wll utilize this state. An example would be a hardware failure involving a cryptographic accelerator: the crypto services would use their software implementations (unaccelerated), but would be in the degraded state because potentially useful system capabilities are faulty.

Source: Solaris Forum

inetd managed services

Q: How to list all services managed by inetd?

A: Use inetadm, e.g

enabled   online         svc:/application/x11/xfs:default
enabled   online         svc:/application/font/stfsloader:default
enabled   offline        svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/rpc/gss:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/mdcomm:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/meta:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/metamed:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/metamh:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/rpc/rstat:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/rpc/rusers:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/spray:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rpc/wall:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/security/ktkt_warn:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/security/krb5_prop:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/telnet:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/comsat:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/finger:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/login:eklogin
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/login:klogin
enabled   online         svc:/network/login:rlogin
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/rexec:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/shell:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/shell:kshell
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/talk:default
disabled  disabled       svc:/platform/sun4u/dcs:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/rpc-100235_1/rpc_ticotsord:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/rpc-100083_1/rpc_tcp:default
enabled   online         svc:/network/nfs/rquota:default

Q: How to view the default values for inetd managed services?

A: Use inetadm -p, e.g.

inetadm -p

Q: How to list the properties of an inetd managed service?

A: Use inetadm -l, e.g.

inetadm -l svc:/network/telnet:default
default  bind_addr=""
default  bind_fail_max=-1
default  bind_fail_interval=-1
default  max_con_rate=-1
default  max_copies=-1
default  con_rate_offline=-1
default  failrate_cnt=40
default  failrate_interval=60
default  inherit_env=TRUE
default  tcp_trace=FALSE
default  tcp_wrappers=FALSE

Q: How to check if the TCP wrapper is enabled for a service?

A: Use inetadm -l, e.g.

inetadm -l svc:/network/telnet:default | grep tcp_wrappers
default  tcp_wrappers=FALSE

Q: How to enable the TCP wrapper for a service?

A: Use inetadm -m, e.g.

inetadm -m svc:/network/telnet:default tcp_wrappers=true
# check the new status
inetadm -l svc:/network/telnet:default | grep tcp_wrappers

see also here and here, or here

Note the man page for hosts.allow and hosts.deny is

man -M /usr/sfw/man hosts_options

Q: How to disable the TCP wrapper for a service?

A: Use inetadm -m, e.g.

inetadm -m svc:/network/telnet:default tcp_wrappers=false
# check the new status
bash-3.00# inetadm -l svc:/network/telnet:default | grep tcp_wrappers

see also here and here, or here

Note the man page for hosts.allow and hosts.deny is

man -M /usr/sfw/man hosts_options

Q: How to start a service managed by inetd?

A: Use inetadm -e, e.g.

inetadm -e kshell
# check the results
bash-3.00# inetadm | grep kshell
enabled  disabled       svc:/network/shell:kshell

Q: How to stop a service managed by inetd?

A: Use inetadm -d, e.g.

inetadm -d kshell
# check the results
inetadm | grep kshell
disabled  disabled       svc:/network/shell:kshell

Q: Are inetd internal services still provided by inetd itself?

Services formelery provided by inetd itself (called internal services) are still provided by inetd and can not be converted with inetconf.

Internal services are:

(see also the source code of inetconv)


Q: Can I create a flash archive with an already populated SMF repository?

A: Yes, you can.

Source: SMF discussion

Q: What would be the best way to change a system-provided manifest ?

A: First, file a bug against the service where you're looking to change the manifest. If you or a customer of yours is finding a need to change a system-provided manifest, that means there's a change in behaviour that isn't supported by the manifest. It shouldn't be necessary to change system manifests, all behaviour changes *should* be customizable with supported configuration variables/properties -- but there are some lingering bugs/rfes in a few services. It should be a high priority to get these filed and fixed, which we can't do without data about what changes people are making!

Once you've done that, here's the procedure:

- File a bug documenting the lack of supported way to change the config you want to change. (Hey, can I stress this enough? :) )

- Copy the existing method to a new location.

If you want to make the customization in a single local zone rather than in the global zone and all local zones, you'll need to put the new method into a zone-modifyable location. (e.g. somewhere in /opt)

- Modify the method with your changes.

- Configure the REPOSITORY to point at your new method:

  svccfg -s <fmri> setprop start/exec = "<method invocation>"

- When you're ready to commit the changes you made and start the service with the new method:

  svcadm refresh <fmri> (commit the changes)
  svcadm restart <fmri> (restart the service)

What's absolutely critical here is that you customize the service using the repository directly, not by changing manifests and re-uploading them. SMF tries very very hard to preserve administrator customizations. The way it knows what's an adminstrator customization is that it can tell the difference between config imported from a manifest and config made using svccfg (or libscf calls). We ship manifests as uneditable (packaging type f), so it isn't supported to change them. There's even a comment in all our manifests which say this!

So, what's the benefit of SMF knowing that this was an explicit administrator customization? When the system is upgraded, the customization will be preserved. If you stick the customization in the manifest, it won't be, as we believe that the manifest is the only one that ever delivered that change and it should be updated by the patch.

After a patch which changes the method, you'll need to re-apply your changes to the method, of course, as your method might have diverged from changes that we delivered in the patch/upgrade. That's why filing a bug is really important -- properties which influence behaviour rather than setting the method directly will not need to be modified across a patch/upgrade.

(It's clearly a bit early for me to be trying to explain the subtleties of this, so feel free to nudge about clarifications of particularly opaque sentences.)

Source: SMF discussion

Q: Is there a way how to store private data in SMF configuration repository? For example a password readable only by root?

A: There is no way to store private data in the repository. That was a design constraint for SMF, and we have no plans
to change it in the foreseeable future.

Source: SMF discussion

Q: Is /etc/inetd.conf still used?

A: No, /etc/inetd.conf is not used by inetd anymore. You can use inetconv to convert entries from /etc/inetd.conf into services. Changes in inetd.conf after the conversion are ignored by inetd.

But note that inetd checks if the entries in /etc/inetd.conf changed since last inetconv conversion while executing the start or refresh method. If it has, then a message telling the administrator to re-run inetconv to effect the changes made is logged iin syslog

Source: inetd man page


Q: How to start writing new profiles?

A: Use either one of the existing profiles in /var/svc/profile as a starting point or create a profile from your running configuration using

svccfg extract  >./myprofile

and edit it.

Q: How to apply a profile?

A: Use

svccfg apply /var/svc/profile/generic_limited_net.xml

Q: How to change the initial profile while installing?

A: Before the first reboot issue

ln -sf /a/var/svc/profile/<your_profile> /a/var/svc/profile/generic.xml

Alternative create the file /a/var/svc/profile/site.xml


Q: What milestones exist and how do the compare to the old run-level?

A: The following milestones exist:

mostly used for debugging only



maybe 3+

see this thread on opensolaris for more infos.

In Solaris Express snv_41 the following milestones exist:

mostly used for debugging only



maybe 3+




Q: What's the *functional* difference between milestone "multi-user-server" and "all"?

A: At the multi-user-server milestone, services which milestone/multi-user-server doesn't depend on (directly or indirectly) will be disabled. For milestone all, no services are automatically disabled.

Source: SMF discussion

Q: Can I create new milestones my self and use them like the builtin milestones?

A:  Not yet.

Source: SMF discussion

Q: How to exit the single user mode?

A: Use

svcadm milestone all

Note that exit or CTRL-D does not work anymore to leave the single user mode.

Q: In which milestone am I?

A: Use

svcprop -p options_ovr/milestone svc:/system/svc/restarter:default

Note :

The error message

svcprop: Couldn't find property `options_ovr/milestone' for instance `svc:/system/svc/restarter:default'.

means you're in the default milestone (normally this is the milestone "all")

Q: How to print the default milestone

svcprop svc:/system/svc/restarter:default | grep "options/milestone" || echo "The Default milestone is all"

Q: How to change the default milestone?

A: Use

svcadm milestone -d [new_default_milestone]


svcadm milestone -d svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default

Note that this commands invocation also immediately changes the current runlevel to the new default milestone.

The default milestone is defined by the options/milestone property on the master restarter, svc:/system/svc/restarter:default.

So it should be possible to change this property to change the default milestone without changing the current milestone (Not tested yet!)

Misc / Unsorted

Q: What does the delete attribute mean in the /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1  ?

A: The delete attribute instructs svccfg import to delete an element from the repository, if it exists. The intent is to clean out obsolete elements installed by previous manifest versions.

This mechanism has been largely superceded by svccfg import's last-import functionality. It will automatically detect when an element has been removed from the manifest, and will delete it if it hasn't been customized.

Source: Solaris Forum

Q: How to add SMF to a package?

A: see here

Q: Is there a GUI for managing services?

A: Yes, WebMin now supports SMF (at least in the newer Nevada builds). There's also a beta of a standalone Java application for managing Services; see here

A small zenity application to manage SMF services can be downloaded from this page and another version is here.

Q: Where can I find an overview about SMF?

A: Read the smf man page and the Solaris Service Management Facility - Quickstart Guide.

Q:  What's the order of the output  of svcs -a?

A: It's by state and then by STIME (state time), sorted to sub-second precision, even  though only seconds are displayed. That way after a boot services are displayed in precisely the order that they finished starting.

Source: SMF discussion

Error and trouble shooting

Q: How to turn on verbose logging?

A: Set the options/logging property of the restarter:
 /usr/sbin/svccfg -s system/svc/restarter:default
svc:/system/svc/restarter:default> addpg options application
svc:/system/svc/restarter:default> setprop options/logging = \
astring: verbose
svc:/system/svc/restarter:default> exit

Q: How to view the log file of a service?

A: Use for example the following code

  view $( svcprop apache2 | grep -i log | cut -f3 -d  " " )

Q: What infos to use to check a failed service?

A: Some general hints for trouble shooting a failed service, e.g

bash-3.00# svcs -x svc:/network/ntp:default
svc:/network/ntp:default (Network Time Protocol (NTP))
 State: maintenance since Fri May 26 14:40:07 2006
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG.
   See: xntpd(1M)
   See: ntpdate(1M)
   See: ntpq(1M)
   See: /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

bash-3.00# svcprop svc:/network/ntp:default | grep start/exec
start/exec astring /lib/svc/method/xntp

bash-3.00# svcs -d svc:/network/ntp:default
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         13:33:11 svc:/network/service:default

Q: How to repair a failed service?

A: There are two main reason a service can fail:

1. One of the dependencies of the service are not fullfilled

In this case the state of the service is "offline". Check the dependencies of the service (using "svcs -d <FRMI>") and repair the failed dependencies. The service will be restarted automatically after all dependencies are online (svcadm enable is NOT necessary).


# check why the service rfc1179 is offline
bash-3.00# svcs -l svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default
fmri svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default
name BSD print protocol adapter
enabled true
state offline
next_state none
state_time Mon May 22 14:23:22 2006
restarter svc:/network/inetd:default
dependency require_all/error svc:/application/print/server (disabled)

bash-3.00# svcs svc:/application/print/server
disabled 14:22:57 svc:/application/print/server:default

# rfc1179 needs the service print/server which is disabled

# start the service print/server
bash-3.00# svcadm enable svc:/application/print/server

# now check the service rfc1179 again
bash-3.00# svcs -x svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default
svc:/application/print/rfc1179:default (BSD print protocol adapter)
State: online since Tue May 23 12:16:20 2006
See: in.lpd(1M)
Impact: None.

2. The start script of the service failed.

In this case the state of the service is "maintenance". View the logfile of the service and correct the failure. After doing this issue

svcadm clear <FRMI>

The service will then be restarted automatically by the SFM daemon (svcadm enable is NOT necessary).


# start ntp
bash-3.00# svcadm enable svc:/network/ntp:default

# check the ntp service
bash-3.00# svcs -x svc:/network/ntp:default
svc:/network/ntp:default (Network Time Protocol (NTP))
State: maintenance since Tue May 23 11:51:21 2006
Reason: Start method exited with $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG.
See: xntpd(1M)
See: ntpdate(1M)
See: ntpq(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

# start of ntp failed, check the log file
bash-3.00# cat /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
[ Feb 24 10:48:03 Disabled. ]
[ Feb 24 10:48:03 Rereading configuration. ]
[ May 23 11:51:21 Enabled. ]
[ May 23 11:51:21 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/xntp") ]
[ May 23 11:51:21 Method "start" exited with status 96 ]

# nothing found in the logfile; check the script used to start ntp
# in the script we will see that the script needs the config file :
# cat /lib/svc/method/xntp
# ...
# [ -f /etc/inet/ntp.conf ] || exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG
# ...

# check if the config file exists
bash-3.00# ls -l /etc/inet/ntp.conf
bash-3.00# /etc/inet/ntp.conf: No such file or directory

# the config file does not exist -> create it
bash-3.00# vi /etc/inet/ntp.conf

# now clear the maintenance mode of the service
bash-3.00# svcadm clear svc:/network/ntp:default

# check the ntp service again
bash-3.00# svcs -x svc:/network/ntp:default
svc:/network/ntp:default (Network Time Protocol (NTP))
State: online since Tue May 23 12:05:27 2006
See: xntpd(1M)
See: ntpdate(1M)
See: ntpq(1M)
See: /var/svc/log/network-ntp:default.log
Impact: None.

Q: What does the error message below mean?

Mar 24 16:18:37/311 ERROR: svc:/application/postgres:default: Could not interpret user property.
Mar 24 16:18:37/311: application/postgres:default failed

A: One of the user properties for your service is invalid; use "svcprop <FMRI>" and check all properties of your service; e.g. make sure that the user and group if defined exists, etc.

Q: I see sometimes a temporary svc frmi with the format "svc:/TEMP<..> and wondering what's going on here ?

A: Whenever "svccfg import" is used, a temporary service is created before the real service is created or upgraded. This is necessary to create the last-import snapshot properly. svccfg automatically deletes the temporary service upon successful completion. If you find such services on your system, then a svccfg import didn't finish properly. You should look for error messages from wherever svccfg import was invoked (usually system/manifest-import's log, in /var/svc/manifest, or during a pkgadd) and svccfg core files. The temporary service itself is meaningless and can be deleted. In fact, if svccfg import goes to create a temporary service but it already exists, it prints an error message and exits without importing anything.

Source: SMF discussion

Q: Where can I find trouble shooting hints in case SMF fails to start?

A: Read the instructions on the console. In addition there are instructions for this case in the file /lib/svc/share/README.

You might also take a look at the various blog entries talking about SMF or read this document on sunsolve.

Q: Hints for failed legacy scripts (rcS.d, rc2.d, and rc3.d)

A: If a legacy script runs longer than the expected timeout for the approbiate milestone service (default 1800 sec) the script is killed by the SMF daemon and the status of the milestone is set to "maintenance".  All legacy scripts in the same run level that would run after the failed legacy script are NOT executed.


(bash):root@ferrari:/root # ls -1 /etc/rc3.d
(bash):root@ferrari:/root #

If in this example S82initsma fails, the scripts S84appserv, S96init.cssd, and S99cswrxstack will not run.

To find & fix the failed script is the easiest part - but how to get the milestone into the status "online" again?
"svcadm refresh FRMI" works but doing this will re-execute *all* legacy scripts in that run level.

There's no propper way to fix this situation right now.

Looks like this is a bug; I filled a bug report for it (6436011) ; see also SMF discussion

Q: The apache2 service does not start after a reboot but it starts succesfull if enabled with svcadm?

A: If the httpd.conf file or the htdocs directory is not in the root filesystem the apache2 service may or may not start automatically a reboot.

The reason is a missing dependency on "local filesystem" in the service.

To resolve this issue add a dependency on "svc:/system/filesystem/local:default" to the apache2 service (see here for example code for doing this)

Note: In Solaris snv_37 this issue is fixed



FAQ on

Predictive Self-Healing Knowledge Article Web

The draft of another Q&A for SMF is here

Open Solaris Projekt: Enhanced SMF Profiles

Secure by Default

SMF Usage page



SMF @ Sun Develop Forums


Converted services @

Services @ blastwave


Sample for a hybrid script that can be used as method and also called manually by the user

Print the dependency tree of a service

Man Pages

svcs manpage

svcadm manpage

svcprop manpage

svccfg man page

inetadm manpage

inetconv manpage

inetd man page

svc.startd manpage

svc.configd manpage

smf man page

smf_security man page

smf_method man page

smf_restarter man page

smf_bootstrap man page

service bundle man page


Solaris Service Management Facility - Quickstart Guide

Solaris Service Management Facility - Service Developer Introduction

SMF and RBAC authorizations

Blog Entries

Blog Entries by Liane Praza (I found ths page to late ....)

Liane Praza: A journey to the center of boot

Liane Praza: smf milestones, runlevels, and system maintenance

Liane Praza: smf repository design and implementation choices

Liane Praza:
what's with these "legacy" services anyways?

Liane Praza:
smf(5) and fault isolation on Solaris 10

Liane Praza:
what services do I have?

Liane Praza:
smf(5) and init.d script compatibility

Liane Praza:
assembling services for boot with smf(5)

Liane Praza:
smf(5) fault/retry models

Liane Praza:
How does :kill work?

Stephen Hahn:
smf(5): the system knowing more means...

Stephen Hahn: mf(5): asking versus doing

Stephen Hahn:
smf(5): authorizations built-in

Stephen Hahn:
smf(5): manifest editing assistance

Stephen Hahn:
Bespoke services: application/catman

Stephen Hahn:
Bespoke services: application/vncserver

Tobin Coziahr:
SMF/Predictive Self Healing Overview

Tobin Coziahr: SMF/Predictive Self Healing Overview: Part 2

Tobin Coziahr:
SMF/Predictive Self Healing: Graphing service dependencies

Tobin Coziahr: SMF/ Predictive Self Healing: svcs(1)

Tobin Coziahn:
SMF/ Predictive Self Healing: svcadm(1)

YakShaving - Creating an SMF service (part 1)

YakShaving - Creating an SMF service (part 2)

YakShaving - Creating an SMF service (part 3)

Ganesh Hiregoudar: SMF commands

Dan Price: Debugging SMF problems

Ben Rockwood: A SMF Manifest CheatSheet

Jonathan Adam: Debugging smf -managed processes

Tom Whittens  Blog

Jerry Jelinek: SVM and SMF

How to copy a service


Mattew Flanagan -  Bug Correction for How do I start a service daemon at run level 2 using SMF?


Abbreviation, name
legacy scripts
these are the rc scripts in the directories /etc/rcS.d, /etc/rc2.d, and /etc/rc3.d

FRMI Fault Managed Resource Identifier
Role Based Acess Control

SMF Service Management Facility
SDS Solstice Disk Suite (now SVM)
Solaris Volume Manager (was SDS)


Added link to the FAQ on
Updated: Links
Updated: Links
Updated: Links
Updated: Milestones
New: Are inetd internal services still provided by inetd
Corrected: How do I start a service daemon at run level 2 using SMF?
New: Added the link Open Solaris Projekt: Enhanced SMF Profiles
Updated: Hints for failed legacy scripts
Changed:  Only syntax and spelling errors corrected
added link to the draft of another Q&A for SMF: here
New: How to list temporary enabled services
New: Can I add a dependency on a legacy
New: What keywords exist for methods
New: How to check which methods are
Update: How do I start a service or daemon at run level 2 using SMF
New: What infos to use to check a failed
Update: What is the service state offline
New: Hints for failed legacy scripts (rcS.d, rc2.d, and rc3.d)
Update: What files are used by SMF
Improved: How to list all defined services with the description
New: How do I start a service or daemon at run level 2 using SMF
New: How to repair a failed service
Corrected: In which milestone am I
Corrected: How to change the default milestone
New: How to print the default milestone
New Section: inetd managed services
New: How to list all defined services with the description
New: How to refresh a service
New: How to do manually backup the repository?
Update: Files used by SMF
New: Are there any undocumented parameter
Update: How to list the logfile of a service?
New:  How to tell if the process is being monitored and which PID it is watching?
Update: How to list the logfile of a service?
Update: How to disable a service?
New: How to add a new dependency for a service without changing the manifest?
New: How to delete a service?
New: How to check if a property of a service is defined?
Update:  The apache2 service does not start after a reboot but it starts succesfull if enabled with svcadm?
Update: Can I change the number of repository backups?
New: What's the order of the output of svcs -a
Update: How to list the logfile of a service 
Update: Directories,
removed the HowTo Section; added more infos about using the SMF commands
added more information
added more information
added links to man pages
added more information
initial release