Adding xVM DomU support to a Solaris Live CD Distribution

by Bernd Schemmer, November 2008    


Last Update: 17.04.2012/bs - Links checked and corrected

Table of Contents



This article describes how to add xVM DomU support to a Solaris Live CD distribution (Note: xVM is Xen for Solaris). Due to the fact that CDROMs are read-only this can only be done after installing the distribution to a harddisk.

For this example we use the OpenSolaris distribution MilaX 0.3.2 but the instructions should also work for other OpenSolaris distributions (like for example Belenix).

Update 17.04.2012:

Oracle does not support xVM (Xen) in Solaris anymore.


This article simply describes how to add xVM DomU support; it does not discuss the concepts of xVM or Xen in general.


The following tools and files are used


MilaX Homepage
MilaX Download page
Xen Homepage
Sun xVM Homepage
Xen/xVM at OpenSolaris
QEMU Homegepage
QEMU Project at OpenSolaris
kvm wiki
VirtualBox Homepage
Belenix Homepage


The current releases of the existing Solaris Live CDs contain a script called zfsinstall to install the Solaris distribution from the Live CD on a local harddisk. These scripts install Solaris on a zfsroot. They do work in virtualization products like QEMU (or VirtualBox) and the virtual harddisks created with the scripts can be booted in the QEMU virtual machine. But unfortunately these installations do not boot in a Solaris xVM DomU yet. Therefore, the first step is to install the distribution on a virtual harddisk formated with UFS.

So the first step is to create an image file for the harddisk of the virtual machine

xtrnaw7@t61p:/data/nobackup/qemu/harddisk$ qemu-img create -f raw milax_with_xen.hdd 20G
Formatting 'milax_with_xen.hdd', fmt=raw, size=20971520 kB

Note: You must use a diskimage format that is known by QEMU and xVM.

Next start a QEMU (or kvm) virtual machine from the MilaX 0.3.2 Live CD ISO image

xtrnaw7@t61p:~$ /usr/bin/kvm -net user -net nic -usb -usbdevice tablet -L /usr/share/qemu -usb \
      -boot d -m 512 -net nic,model=rtl8139 -redir tcp:1181::22 \
      -name 'Milax_from_harddisk_ssh_port:_1181'  \
      -hda /home/xtrnaw7/data/nobackup/qemu/harddisk/milax_with_xen.hdd  \
      -cdrom /home/xtrnaw7/data/nobackup/iso/milax032.iso \
      -vnc :1 -k de  &

And connect to the virtual machine either via VNC

xtrnaw7@t61p:~$ vncviewer :1 &

or via ssh

xtrnaw7@t61p:~$ ssh -x  -l alex -p 1181 localhost


Installation of Solaris on the virtual harddisk in QEMU

Note: All steps must be done as user root.

First step is to partition the virtual harddisk and create the necessary slices for Solaris using the Solaris command format.

For this example I used the following slice configuration:

Part      Tag    Flag     Cylinders        Size            Blocks

  0       root    wm       3 - 1308       10.00GB    (1306/0/0) 20980890
  1       swap    wm    1309 - 1570        2.01GB    (262/0/0)   4209030
  2     backup    wu       0 - 2606       19.97GB    (2607/0/0) 41881455
  3 unassigned    wm    1571 - 2606        7.94GB    (1036/0/0) 16643340
  4 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)           0
  5 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)           0
  6 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)           0
  7 unassigned    wm       0               0         (0/0/0)           0
  8       boot    wu       0 -    0        7.84MB    (1/0/0)       16065
  9 alternates    wm       1 -    2       15.69MB    (2/0/0)       32130

The slice 0 is used for the rootfs and the slice 1 is used for swap.

The next step is to create an UFS file system on the slice for the rootfs on the harddisk:

(root@milax)# newfs /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0: (y/n)? y
Warning: 870 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated
/dev/rdsk/c4d0s0:       20980890 sectors in 3415 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors
        10244.6MB in 214 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 5824 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
 32, 98464, 196896, 295328, 393760, 492192, 590624, 689056, 787488, 885920,
 20055584, 20154016, 20252448, 20350880, 20449312, 20547744, 20646176,
 20744608, 20843040, 20941472

Because the virtual hardware in a xVM DomU is different from the virtual hardware in a QEMU virtual machine we must unmount the hardware specific libc before continuing:

(root@milax)# umount /lib/

Now mount the root slice on the virtual harddisk for MilaX to /a

(root@milax)# mkdir /a

(root@milax)# mount /dev/dsk/c4d0s0 /a

And then copy the necessary files to the root slice

Note: The instructions below are copied from the zfsinstall script which is part of MilaX.

Just copy the commands to a script in the virtual machine and execute the script as user root:

cd /                                                                                                         
find . -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /a 2>&1 > /dev/null
# libc!
cp -rP /lib/* /a/lib 2>&1 > /dev/null

mkdir -p /a/alex
cd /alex
find . -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /a/alex 2>&1 > /dev/null
mkdir -p /a/root
cd /root
find . -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /a/root 2>&1 > /dev/null

mkdir -p /a/usr
cd /usr
find . -xdev -depth -print | cpio -pvdm /a/usr 2>&1 > /dev/null

mkdir -p /a/system/object
mkdir -p /a/system/contract
mkdir -p /a/tmp
mkdir -p /a/proc
mkdir -p /a/var/run
mkdir -p /a/dev/fd  
touch /a/etc/mnttab                                                                                    
touch /a/etc/dfs/sharetab

chmod 555 /a/system/object
chmod 555 /a/system/contract
chmod 555 /a/proc
chmod 777 /a/tmp
chmod 755 /a/etc/svc/volatile
chmod 755 /a/var/run
chmod 555 /a/dev/fd                                                                                    
chmod 444 /a/etc/mnttab  
chmod 755 /a/usr
chmod 755 /a/alex
chmod 755 /a/root
chown -R alex:adm /a/alex
chown root /a/system/object
chown root /a/system/contract
chown root /a/proc
chown root /a/tmp
chown root /a/etc/svc/volatile
chown root /a/var/run
chown root /a/dev/fd
chown root /a/etc/mnttab

chgrp root /a/system/object
chgrp root /a/system/contract
chgrp sys /a/tmp
chgrp root /a/proc
chgrp sys /a/etc/svc/volatile  
chgrp sys /a/var/run                                                                                   
chgrp root /a/dev/fd                                                                           
chgrp root /a/etc/mnttab

mkdir -p /a-tmp.$$
mount -F lofs -o nosub / /a-tmp.$$
(cd /a-tmp.$$; tar cf - devices dev ) | (cd /a; tar xfp -) 2>&1 > /dev/null

cd /
umount /a-tmp.$$
rm -rf /a-tmp.$$

# copy last etc
cd /etc
tar cf - . | (cd /a/etc ; tar xfp -) 2>&1 > /dev/null

# rebuild svc at first boot
rm -f /a/var/svc/manifest/system/filesystem/live-root-fs.xml
rm -f /a/var/svc/manifest/system/dss-sysidtool.xml
rm -f /a/var/svc/manifest/system/live-sysidtool.xml
cp /usr/dss/share/hdinstall/misc/root-fs.xml /a/var/svc/manifest/system/filesystem/
cp /usr/dss/share/hdinstall/misc/sysidtool.xml /a/var/svc/manifest/system/
cp /lib/svc/seed/global.db /a/etc/svc/repository.db

# copy vfstab
cp /usr/dss/share/hdinstall/misc/vfstab /a/etc/vfstab

# and add entries for the root fs and swap to the file /etc/vfstab
cat <<EOF>>/a/etc/vfstab
/dev/dsk/c4d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0 / ufs - no logging
/dev/dsk/c4d0s1 -       -       swap    -       no      -

Next change the keyboard layout for the console if necessary. This can be done by changing the value for the keyword keyboard-layout in the file /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc to the approbate value (e.g. German for german keyboards):

(root@milax)#  vi /a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc

And to change the keyboard layout for the X server change the value for the keyword XKBD in the file /etc/sysconfigd/xkbd to the approbate value (e.g de for german keyboards):

(root@milax)# vi /a/etc/sysconfig/xkbd

Then add the bootpath variable to the file /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc:

(root@milax)#  echo "setprop bootpath /pci@0,0/pci-ide@1,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0:a" >>/a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc

And add a workaround for an error with the SMF service boot-archive.

The service boot-archive always fails in this configuration (I don't know why yet); so you should disable it by
adding an exit command to the beginning of the script /a/lib/svc/method/boot-archive so that it looks like:

. /lib/svc/share/

# new line follows:



Note: Disabling the service boot svc:/system/boot-archive:default is not an option because the service is a prerequisite for the multi-user mode

Now create a SMF profile in /a/var/svc/profile/site.xml with the following contents

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
<service_bundle type='profile' name='site'
          xmlns:xi='' >
  <service name='system/boot-archive-update' type='service' version='0'>
    <instance name='default' enabled='true'/>
  <service name='system/boot-archive' type='service' version='0'>
    <instance name='default' enabled='true'/>
  <service name='network/physical' type='service' version='0'>
    <instance name='default' enabled='false'/>
    <instance name='nwam' enabled='true'/>

Next step is to update the boot-archive on the root slice (ignore the errors for the amd64 boot-archive)

(root@milax)# bootadm update-archive -R /a
Creating boot_archive for /a
updating /a/platform/i86pc/boot_archive
updating /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive
/a//boot/solaris/bin/create_ramdisk52: /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive-new: cannot create
/a/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive-new: No such file or directory
/a//boot/solaris/bin/create_ramdisk32: test: argument expected
mv: cannot access /a/platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive-new

Then install the Grub bootloader in the master boot sector on the disk:

(root@milax)# installgrub -m /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c4d0s0
Updating master boot sector destroys existing boot managers (if any).
continue (y/n)?y
stage1 written to partition 0 sector 0 (abs 16065)
stage2 written to partition 0, 266 sectors starting at 50 (abs 16115)
stage1 written to master boot sector

create the signature file for Grub:

(root@milax)# mkdir /a/boot/grub/bootsign
(root@milax)# touch /a/boot/grub/bootsign/milax_ufs

and add the Grub menu entries to the file /boot/grub/menu.lst  so that it looks like

(root@milax)# cat /a/boot/grub/menu.lst

#pragma ident   "@(#)install_menu       1.1     05/04/15 SMI"
title MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit, For Qemu)
        findroot (milax_ufs,0,a)
        kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/unix -B atapi-cd-dma-enabled=0,atapi-other-dma-enabled=0
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
title MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit)
        findroot (milax_ufs,0,a)
        kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/unix
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
title MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit) text console
        findroot (milax_ufs,0,a)
        kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/unix -B livemode=text
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

title MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit, No ACPI)
        findroot (milax_ufs,0,a)
        kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/unix -B acpi-user-options=2
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

title MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit, No ACPI, Verbose, Debug)
        findroot (milax_ufs,0,a)
        kernel /platform/i86pc/kernel/unix -B acpi-user-options=2 -kv -m verbose
        module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

Now MilaX is installed on an UFS slice in the virtual machine.

To check the installation reboot the virtual machine from the virtual harddisk using the Solaris command reboot

(root@milax)#  reboot

Note: Choose the menu entry "Boot from Hard Disk" in the 1st Grub Menu and then "MilaX Note (0.3.2) (32 bit, For Qemu)" in the 2nd Grub Menu.

If everything is fine and the virtual machine boots without problems from the virtual harddisk you can add the xVM support.

Note: It's recommended to shutdown the virtual machine now and create a backup of the diskimage file for the virtual machine.

Add xVM DomU support to the Solaris OS on the virtual harddisk

Note: After these changes the virtual harddisk will NOT boot in QEMU/kvm anymore!

The first step is to add the necessary packages for xVM DomU support:

Copy the Solaris packages SUNWcakr.i and SUNWcakrx.i to the virtual machine and install them as root via pkgadd:

(root@milax)# pkgadd -d . SUNWcakr.i SUNWcakrx.i
Installation of <SUNWcakr> was successful.
Installation of <SUNWcakrx> was successful.

Note: For MilaX 0.3.2 you need the packages from Solaris Release snv_95.

Then add a new menu entry for the DomU to the Grub Menu

(root@milax)#   cat <<EOT >>/boot/grub/menu.lst

title MilaX 0.3.2 (32 bit, For Xen)
	root (hd0,0,a)
        kernel$ /platform/i86xpv/kernel/unix  -B console=text,livemode=text
        module$ /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

Now cleanup the device tree

(root@milax)#  devfsadm -C

After the devfsadm -C command there should only exist c4* and c5* entries in /dev/rdsk and /dev/dsk, e.g.:

(root@milax)#  ls /dev/dsk
c4d0p0     c4d0p4     c4d0s11    c4d0s15    c4d0s5     c4d0s9     c5t0d0p3   c5t0d0s10  c5t0d0s14  c5t0d0s4   c5t0d0s8
c4d0p1     c4d0s0     c4d0s12    c4d0s2     c4d0s6     c5t0d0p0   c5t0d0p4   c5t0d0s11  c5t0d0s15  c5t0d0s5   c5t0d0s9
c4d0p2     c4d0s1     c4d0s13    c4d0s3     c4d0s7     c5t0d0p1   c5t0d0s0   c5t0d0s12  c5t0d0s2   c5t0d0s6
c4d0p3     c4d0s10    c4d0s14    c4d0s4     c4d0s8     c5t0d0p2   c5t0d0s1   c5t0d0s13  c5t0d0s3   c5t0d0s7

Now create the disk device links for xVM in /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk using this little script:



for i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p ; do
    ln -s "../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:${i}"     /dev/dsk/c0d0s${j}
    ln -s "../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:${i},raw" /dev/rdsk/c0d0s${j}
    let j=$j+1

for i in q r s t u ; do
    ln -s "../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:${i}"      /dev/dsk/c0d0p${j}
    ln -s "../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:${i},raw" /dev/rdsk/c0d0p${j}
    let j=$j+1

Then correct the file /etc/vfstab

(root@milax)#  cp /etc/vfstab /etc/vfstab.qemu

(root@milax)#  sed "s/c4/c0/g" /etc/vfstab >/etc/vfstab.xen

(root@milax)#  cp /etc/vfstab.xen /etc/vfstab

and the path to the boot device in the file /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc:

(root@milax)#   cp /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc.qemu

(root@milax)#   sed "s/setprop bootpath.*/setprop bootpath \/xpvd\/xdf@0:a/"  /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc  >/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc.xen

(root@milax)#   cp /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc.xen /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc

At last initiate a reconfigure reboot

(root@milax)#  touch /reconfigure

and update the boot archive

(root@milax)#  bootadm update-archive

updating /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

updating /platform/i86pc/amd64/boot_archive

Now the virtual machine is ready to boot in xVM DomU

Depending of the type of the Dom0 you're using the files boot_archive and kernel are required in the Dom0.

Therefore, you should copy them to the machine running the xVM (or Xen) Dom0 now:

(root@milax)# scp /platform/i86pc/boot_archive  root@

boot_archive         100% |*******************************************************************| 90333 KB    00:09

(root@milax)# scp /platform/i86xpv/kernel/unix  root@

unix                 100% |*******************************************************************|  1350 KB    00:00

Now you can shutdown the virtual machine and copy the imagefile to the machine running the Dom0.

Note: use tar (in Solaris: gtar) with the parameter --sparse  to copy the imagefile otherwise you'll lose the sparse functionality of the file.

Start the Solaris on the virtual harddisk in a xVM DomU

First create the config file for the DomU.

In a Solaris xVM Dom0 booted in 32Bit mode the config file should look like this:

(solaris-32bit-dom0) # cat milax_on_ufs.cfg
name = "Milax"
memory = "512"
vcpus = "1"
disk = [ 'file:/pool/xen/milax_with_xen.hdd,0,w'  ]
vif = [ '' ]
on_shutdown = 'destroy'
on_reboot = 'restart'
on_crash = 'destroy'

(Tested with Solaris snv_89)

In a Solaris xVM Dom0 booted in 64Bit mode the config file should look like

(solaris-64bit-dom0) # cat milax_on_ufs.cfg
name = "Milax"
memory = "512"
vcpus = "1"
disk = [ 'file:/xen/milax_with_xen.hdd,0,w' ]
vif = [ '' ]
on_shutdown = 'destroy'
on_reboot = 'restart'
on_crash = 'destroy'
kernel = "/xen/unix"
ramdisk = "/xen/boot_archive_ufs"
extra = "/platform/i86xpv/kernel/unix  -r -B console=text,livemode=text"

(Tested with Solaris snv_101)

In a Linux Dom0 booted in 32Bit mode the config file should look like:

(linux-dom0) # cat milax_on_ufs.cfg
name = "Milax"
memory = "512"
vcpus = "1"
vif = [ '' ]
disk = [ 'tap:aio:/pool/xen/milax_with_xen.hdd,0,w'  ]
on_shutdown = 'destroy'
on_reboot = 'restart'
on_crash = 'destroy'

(Tested with Xen 3.2 running under Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04.01 in 32Bit Mode; for Xen 3.1 you must use "file:" instead of "tap:aio:")

To start the DomU use

bash-3.2# xm create -c  milax_on_ufs.cfg
Using config file "./milax_on_ufs.cfg".
Started domain Milax
                    v3.1.4-xvm chgset 'Mon Oct 13 22:14:51 2008 -0700 15904:94bd0a643efe'
SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_95 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Configuring devices.
Hostname: milax
Mounting local partitions/cdroms
Using physical swap on hdd (/dev/dsk/c0d0s1)
Reading ZFS config: done.
Starting X11 Desktop
Wait for the Desktop screen before logging in

milax console login:

To get the Graphical Desktop of the DomU either use the framebuffer functionality of xVM or install a VNC server in the DomU, for example the VNC server from the Solaris companion CD:

root@milax)# mount /mnt

(root@milax)# pkgadd -d  /mnt/Solaris_Software_Companion/Solaris_i386/Packages/  SFWvnc

A script to start the VNC server in the DomU might look like:

[ $# -eq 2 ] && VNC_DISPLAY="$2" || VNC_DISPLAY=":1"
case $1 in
        start )
                echo "Starting the VNC Server on the display ${VNC_DISPLAY} ..."

                if [ ! -x /usr/bin/xauth ] ; then
                        # create a dummy xauth executable
                        echo "exit 0">/usr/bin/xauth
                        chmod 755 /usr/bin/xauth

                vncserver ${NVC_DISPLAY}
                export DISPLAY=${VNC_DISPLAY}
                /usr/dss/bin/xinitrc &
        stop )
                echo "Stopping the VNC Server on the display ${VNC_DISPLAY} ..."

                vncserver -kill ${VNC_DISPLAY}
        * )
               echo "Usage: $0 [start|stop] {displaynumber}"


General hint

If the virtual disk does not boot in a DomU you should boot MilaX again from the ISO image in QEMU using the commands

xtrnaw7@t61p:~$ qemu -net user -net nic -usb -usbdevice tablet -L /usr/share/qemu -boot d -m 512 \
-redir tcp:1181::22  -name 'Milax_from_harddisk_ssh_port:_1181' -hda /data/temp/milax_with_xen.hdd  \
-cdrom /home/xtrnaw7/data/nobackup/iso/milax032.iso -vnc :1 -k de  &
xtrnaw7@t61p:~$  vncviewer :1 &

to correct the errors on the virtual harddisk.

Note: MilaX will automatically mount the slice 0 of the virtual harddisk to the directory /mnt/solaris0 in this case.

Solaris crashes after printing the message "cannot find devices"


Solaris boots in the DomU but crashes with these error messages:

Using config file "./milax.cfg".
Started domain Milax
                    v3.1.4-xvm chgset 'Mon Oct 13 22:14:51 2008 -0700 15904:94bd0a643efe'
SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_95 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

panic[cpu0]/thread=f5028220: Cannot find /devices

f50523ec genunix:vfs_mountdevices+192 (0, 1, f5027990, 0, )
f5052410 genunix:vfs_mountroot+1ea (f4c00010, f504e238,)
f5052420 genunix:main+b9 ()

syncing file systems... done
skipping system dump - no dump device configured


The entry for the bootpath is missing or invalid in the file /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc on the virtual harddisk. The entry should be:

setprop bootpath /xpvd/xdf@0:a


Add the line

extra = "/platform/i86xpv/kernel/unix  -r -B console=text,livemode=text,bootpath=/xpvd/xdf@0:a"

to the DomU config file and start the DomU again. After the DomU is running add the line

setprop bootpath /xpvd/xdf@0:a

to the file /boot/solaris/bootenv.rc.

After this is done the "extra" line from the DomU config file can be removed.

init restarting indefinitely


The virtual disk boots in a DomU but after the kernel is loaded it prints the error message

WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically



You did not umount /lib/ before copying the files to the virtual harddisk.


Either reboot the virtual machine from the CDROM in QEMU and replace the file /lib/ with the libc from the CDROM or recreate the virtual harddisk from scratch.

The SMF service svc:/system/filesystem/usr:default fails


The virtual disk boots but Solaris goes into maintenance mode because the service svc:/system/filesystem/usr:default failed.


Solaris can not mount the root file system.


Check the entry for the root filesystem in the file /etc/vfstab on the virtual harddisk. It should look like:

/dev/dsk/c0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0 / ufs - no logging

If the entry for the root filesystem in the file /etc/vfstab is correct check the device entries for the rootdisk in /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk. They should look like

(root@milax)# ls -l /dev/*dsk/c0d0s0
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          26 Nov 10 12:37 /dev/dsk/c0d0s0 -> ../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          30 Nov 10 12:37 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0 -> ../../devices/xpvd/xdf@0:a,raw

If the file /etc/vfstab and the device entries are okay check the log file of the service svc:/system/filesystem/usr:default.

Network connection not working


MilaX boots in a DomU but there is no network adapter configured.


Either create the necessary files for the default network configuration SMF service (e.g. /etc/hostname.; /etc/dhcp., /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/defaultrouter, etc) or ensure that the SMF service mwam is online:

(alex@milax)$ svcs svc:/network/physical:nwam
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         15:55:03 svc:/network/physical:nwam

If there is still no network connection after enabling the nwam service ensure that the DomU is configured with a network adapter: There should be a line beginnig with "vif =" in the config file for the DomU.